Tuesday, July 1, 2008

a word from...

hey everyone at home!

the trip's almost over, and i can't believe i'm going home on friday. i have adjusted to china and the environment and culture here. It no loner feels distant and unsatisfying like it did when i first arrived...this has become home to me and as much as i look forward to the joys of america and the people i love at home, i can't stand the thought of leaving this beautiful country and these beautiful people. i love this place, i don't mind not having all the luxuries i have in america, i really don't need them i've learned. i most of all don't want to leave my friends here. the team has become my family, i've grown so close with the students, my friends cherry and linda especially. i want to take them home with me so badly, the thought of leaving them breaks my heart. I have never felt so incredibly honored and respected as i have here in china.

I love you guys, seeya friday.

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