Sunday, July 6, 2008

a word from...

"I've been saying this since before we is my least favorite part of the trip: the day we get back.

July 5th went like this:

12:00am - 3:30am = Ate Burger King, got home to fruit and salad and welcome home notes, showered, deleted e-mails, texted friends in China, felt sick from Burger King.
3:30 - 8:30 = Slept like a baby
8:30 - 11:00 = Awoke from my slumber, ate M&M's, reminisced with Lauren about the trip, ate Manhattan Bagel
11:00am - 3:00pm = slept
3:00 - 3:30 = thought about getting up
3:30 - 8:00 = slept
8:00pm - 3:00am - laundry, ate chicken cheese steaks and fries, watched a movie, more laundry, ate cookies, looked at pictures...still looking at pictures

Coming back is truly the hardest part of the trip for me...i just got used to living a different life with new people and all of a sudden i am thrown back into my old life that i wonder if i like or still believe in. It has gotten easier the more times I've gone to China and come back, but it's still hard.

So i want to ask, if anyone is still reading this blog, please continue to pray for us. The adventure is not over just because we are home. We have memories and emotions and new friends and old friends and stories and pictures that will remind us everyday of what we just experienced, and it can be hard sometimes to deal with that. So please, keep us close and try and understand where we have been. We are glad to be home most days but also wish we were still in China some days."
our friend winnie

our friend mia and my wife, lauren

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