Monday, June 2, 2008

what would we do without teamwork?

2008 China Team Retreat and Teambuilding
As told by...

Two weeks ago, Our China team met for an all day team building retreat. After discussing and rehearsing our skits and lessons and learning how to pack correctly, we left for St. Peters Village, had our lunch, and then gathered into our small groups. We had four groups and were instructed to connect each person in our small group together at the waist an arms length apart. We then proceeded to traverse the very rocky streambed, trying to avoid the freezing water. The purpose of this activity was to assist each other crossing the rocks and attempting to not get wet. This experience was an excellent team building activity, since without teamwork we would end up in trouble maneuvering the stream. At one point we heard a loud scream coming from Mrs Henricks when she fell into the water. Almost everyone there experienced at least getting a little wet. We were instructed to stop approximately every 15 minutes to discuss mini lesson plans using unconventional methods.

Later on, our plan was to all met up stream at a dam for a time of prayer. Everyone was comfortable with the thought that we would gather at this dam. Since our individual team was sort of out front of the other teams we kept going thinking the dam was just around the bend! We kept walking up stream until we came upon a path that lead to the main road. No Dam! At this point we realized we had messed up and quickly turned around to find and return to the other groups. We hurried back to find the other groups gathered in a circle, waiting for us to join them in prayer. We all had a good laugh and found out that the dam we had been looking for was in fact the other direction and would never be found. The rest of the team realizing this had stopped instantly since they were all near the same location. It was an extremely fun time and our whole group had an excellent experience of getting to know each other.

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